Now at first my husband and I kinda blew it off, laughing like really I am going to get a scooter??? But then we thought more about it as the days passed and I wasn't getting any better on the crutches. My husband decided to Google knee scooter and we could not believe what we found! There were tons of videos, positive customer reviews, and different kinds. My husband researched and found the best one in our price range and we ordered it for cheaper then you can rent one for the amount of time I will need it. See....the problem is that I won't be weight bearing until the 11th of Sept and then only partial weight bearing with restrictions. It is going to be some time before I won't need some sort of assistance walking so the knee scooter started to make some sense.
Let me tell you....I was a changed person once the scooter arrived. Within the hour my husband had put it together and we were at Target. It took me all of five minutes to get used to it and off I went. I felt happy for the first time since surgery, I felt like I gained some independence back, and was no longer a prisoner of the couch. I then became even more positive about this injury!!

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