Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Well, I got great news!  Looks like being positive, optimistic, and listening to the doctors orders have paid off!  I am WALKING!!! 

I took my first steps in over two months today.  Exactly 6 weeks and one day after my lisfranc surgery. 

It is a crazy wierd feeling.  The doctor explained that enough time has gone by and that no more healing will occur.  Ligaments need 21 days to heal and I have given them 43.  It is as healed as its ever gonna be.  Now I will begin a month of physical thereapy and the doctor thinks I will be in sneakers and out of the moon boot in 4 weeks.  Much sooner then we originally thought!

So when the doctor left the room I picked up the crutches (my husband then took immediate advantage of the scooter) and then I pasued...........I had forgotton how to walk!  The first few movements were so scary, then I took these little tiny steps until my husband finally said, "umm you put one foot in front of the other."  Then I was like , "oh yeah!" 

Its slow going, and some steps are painful, others arent, but it feels so good to be moving again.  As the night has been progressing I can go a little faster and I am getting used to my "sea legs" for lack of a better phrase. 

I cried for 15 minutes after we left the office, I was just so happy.  There has been so much bad news that it overwhelmed me to get good news.  Sitting on the couch the day after surgery I felt like this day would never come.  But it did, God gave me the patience I needed and I pushed through.  I have never felt stronger then I do now emotionally. 

The doctor said walking with the hardware in will be painful and I am sure physically thereapy will not be pleasent.  But every pain I feel is a reminder of how strong I am, what I have gotten through, and a big reminder that I am walking again. 

I am on my way to being a success story!!!!!!!!

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