Sunday, August 19, 2012

Post Operation

So....the time after have a lot of time considering you can't walk and that limits what you can do.  I did not, and do not do well on the crutches.  Even going to the restroom was a challenge.  Then you are trying to balance on one leg since absolutely no weight can be applied to your foot.  I was going insane.

I have never really been a "calm" person, I tend to be very emotional and concentrate on the negative.   So to be told first that I needed surgery, then that I was going to be non weight bearing for so long did a number on me emotionally.

Thank goodness for my husband.  We have had a tough five years of marriage.  We have been dealt a tough hand to play and somehow have always come out on top and more in love, and this injury has just added to our stress. My husband has been my greatest strength.  He has cooked every meal, cleaned every corner of the house, kept up with my medicine, and has managed to make me laugh everyday.  My husband refuses to allow me to fall into a self pity mode.  He allows me to cry when I am frustrated, but then he says to keep positive and continue to look forward not back.  He makes me smile everyday and that more than anything else has kept me positive.

 This injury does have a silver has taught me to relax, stay clam, and that some things can just wait and be dealt with later.  Resting and healing are what are most important right now, and that is exactly what I have been doing.  When I do get out I listen to my body and when I feel swelling or pain its time to go back on the couch.  But all honesty....there have been many positives.  I have had an overwhelming response from family and friends of well wishes, gifts, cards, and most importantly prayer.  

Some days are better than others, and yes sometimes I start to cry because I can't walk, get my own things, it takes me 3 times as long to complete a task, and so on.  But.....its just the nature of the beast right now.  Like my Dad always tells me, "it can always be worse" and like my husband always tells me, "its not that bad"  both are right.  I need to start listening to the two most amazing men in my life.

I have learned to stay positive, because if I don't it will not help my recovery.  I want to believe that staying positive will help my healing and I will do better in the future.  I am scared of the arthritis and how much pain I will be in on a daily basis when I start walking but I will deal with it then.  For right now I have little pain unless pressure is applied to the screws (yes you can feel them through the skin) or if I move my foot the wrong way.  I have to remember that the entire portion of my leg has not been used in five weeks and is rather weak.

I have read horrible stories about people with this injury and that is why I am blogging. I never really understood blogging until now.  I want to be a positive lisfranc story and I will be, I am sure of it. I refuse to allow negativity in, I have wasted too much of my life being negative.  I am taking this opportunity to change my perspective.  Yes I am injured, but I will be ok.  I am excited to learn what my new normal will be, and I will embrace it and be thankful for whatever movement I get back.  This will be a success story!

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