Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Day Lisfranc Struck!

It was July 16th, 2012 the day I had my injury.  I was waiting for workers to come and install insulation above my family room and they were late.  I had opened the outside garage door and heard some fussing outside.  I got up off my couch, opened my laundry room door into the garage, saw the trucks parked in the driveway, lifted my right leg to step down to greet the workers, and BAM, I was on the concrete floor.  

That is all it took, falling down two steps in a matter of seconds!  I was mid fall and I remember turning and saw my feet twisted in a very unnatural form.  When I hit the ground I checked my head, shoulders, arms, fingers.  All ok.  Then I rolled over and could wiggle my toes and move my legs. I remember thinking to myself that I was ok and was very lucky.  Then......I attempted to stand up.  That was when I realized something more was wrong.  As I tried to stand up I could not bear weight on the inside of my left foot.  It was an awful amount of pain and my foot had a huge bump on the inside.  Adrenaline kicked in, I made it inside my house and screamed for my husband.  We both assumed I had a broken bone.  

We told the workers to leave and went immediately to the emergency room.  When at the hospital they took NON WEIGHT BEARING XAYS, that was the mistake!  The x rays showed no broken bones or fractures, they told me it was a sprain, sent me on my way, and told me to follow up with an orthopedic doctor.  Thank goodness I did!  

The next day I went to the ortho and he suspected the lisfranc injury.  The thought of it being something more than a sprain jolted me into a panic.  They said I might need surgery (which I did) and told me to get an MRI.  I had the MRI on Friday of that same week and saw the specialist the following Wednesday.  I needed the MRI because this injury can not been seen on a non weight bearing xray.  You need to be standing for the separation of bones to be seen, but since the pain was so terrible what doctor in the ER was gonna get me to stand.  Most of these cases go unseen I am blessed I had an ortho doctor who knew what to look for. 

I am so thankful that God lead me to Dr. Overly.  He does reconstructive foot surgery and has been my foot hero since this injury.  

Basically when I fell I bent my foot and a ligament tore allowing all my bones to separate.  It is an injury to my midfoot (the lisfranc joint or complex).  That is why we thought I had a broken bone because one of my midfoot bones came down and out.  

My surgeon said that I will be able to walk again but will always have residual issues I will have to learn to live with.  Hopefully I will be able to run (though the doc did not promise anything).  I will learn my limits and learn to live with the pain, I will develop arthritis soon and have traded in my sports car for a mac truck.  That is how the doc described it anyway.  

This injury is the worst to the foot, rare, and each case is different.  But, I am hopeful and positive and whole heartily believe that everything happens for a reason, and that God has me learning something from this.  

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